Dumpster Sizes

Dumpster Sizes

Figuring out the right dumpster size can be confusing. The reason for that is a dumpsters vary a little bit in dimensions, but don't worry we are here to help and more than happy to work through the requirements of your project with you. Below is a general idea to give you a good idea of what your project calls for.

 10 Yard Dumpster

10 Yard Dumpster

A roll off dumpster of this size can hold approximately 1 - 3 pick up trucks worth of material. This size dumpster is commonly use for smaller projects such as basement or garage clean out, small bathroom or kitchen remodels and even a small roof replacement or deck removal. 

15 Yard Dumpster

A dumpster of this size can hold approximatly 6 - 8 pick up trucks worth of materials. They are typically used for jobs such as DIY renovations such as larger room remodels.

18 Yard Dumpster

A dumpster of this size can hold approximatly 9 - 11 pick up trucks worth of materials. They are typically used for larger projects such as roof removal. Simalar to our 20 yard dumpster, one of our trained staff will help you decide which is right for your particullar project.

20 Yard Dumpster

A roll off dumpster of this size usually holds around 9 - 11 pick up trucks. Commonly used for projects such as replacing flooring or carpet removal for a larger house or space.

25 Yard Dumpster

A dumpster of this size can hold approximatly 11 - 13 pick up trucks worth of materials. They are typically used for larger projects. Simalar to our 30 yard dumpster, one of our trained staff will help you decide which is right for your particullar project.

30 Yard Dumpster

A roll off dumpster of this size can hold around 11 - 13 pick up trucks worth of material. Common uses include new home construction, large additions to an existing home or siding or window replacement

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